Wednesday, March 17, 2010

There is strength in numbers!

Although many should know few want to realize that Canada has been setup to be a fascist police state. Martial Law how close is it in Canada? Do you know that the R.C.M.P are not even civil servants they are a division of the Canadian Armed Forces? Military Policing at the domestic level is Martial Law and in Canada just being passively applied for the interim. oh! come now wake up this is no political boo-boo, legal association is legal definition. Moreover the R.C.M.P. are not merely corrupt as much as undeniably organized crime inter-associated with all other Crown Police forces in Canada. Who does a Police officer in Canada swear his oath to and what is the oath? When do Canadians locally elect their Public Defender or Sheriff? They don't because that is all taken care of for us by the Crown, how much more quaint can you get than that? Facetiously put it is Accuser, Judge, Jury and Penal System carefully wrapped into one sweet bullet proof package. Then comes along a true statesman and countryman like Splitting the Sky who was acting in accordance to the provisions set out in Canadian Law oops! Did you know that law under a Democratic government is only for seemingly good reading and looks proper for the law books? Now what the Crown has is a problem to obscure because Splitting the Sky has caused attention to the fasaud democratic law really is, how it is to be applied and what interests it is really intended to protect. The common-sense of it is and most all know the acts of the likes of Silly George Bush (Honorably addressed considering a Muppet has more brains.) and his puppet regime and many alike are a devastation to all humanity still yet too many think we have some kind of refuge in the demonology of a democratic process. When more people like Splitting the Sky are willing to stand up and be counted and endure the penance that he has mentally, physically and emotionally for what he knows is right there is a hope for not just justice but even greater peace and love for us all.

Bob Poulin

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